Stairway to the Moon

Thursday, 26 January 2023
  • By
  • Jeff Ammons
  • Tags:
  • Humor
  • AI
  • ChatGPT
Almost there. Six inch tall man testing the prototype of his stairway to the moon.
Almost there. Six inch tall man testing the prototype of his stairway to the moon.

I'm still fiddling with the ChatGPT AI. It has been trained on tons and tons of documents from the web and can regurgitate some realistic sounding text that may or may not make sense in the real world.

So here was the writing prompt I gave it:

Write a news story about a six inch tall man who is trying to be the first person to build a stairway to the moon.

Stairway to the Moon

A six inch tall man, known only by his first name, Michael, is making headlines for his ambitious plan to build a stairway to the moon. Despite his small stature, Michael is determined to achieve this feat and become the first person to reach the lunar surface using only a staircase.

According to Michael, the idea for the stairway came to him in a dream, and he has been working on the project for several years. Despite facing many challenges and setbacks, he is determined to see it through to completion.

“People say I'm crazy for trying to build a stairway to the moon, but I know it's possible,” Michael said in a recent interview. “I may be small, but I have a big heart and a strong will.”

Michael has been working on the project in secret, but recently revealed that he has already made significant progress. He has designed and built a prototype of the first few steps of the stairway and plans to test them in a nearby field before moving on to the next phase of the project.

The scientific community is skeptical of Michael's plan, but he remains undeterred. “I know it sounds crazy, but I believe in my heart that this is something I can achieve,” he said. “I may be small, but I have a big dream, and I won't let anyone stand in my way.”

The story of Michael's quest to build a stairway to the moon has captivated the world, with many people rooting for him to succeed. Despite the odds, Michael remains determined to see his dream come true and make history as the first person to reach the moon using only a staircase.